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AJ's Blog

Posts in children
Dating after Separation

Many people want to date after a separation but how soon is “too soon”? The answer to this question is a very personal one ~ what might appear reasonable to person A may be downright scandalous to person B. Longing for companionship and support in what is often a very difficult time on many levels is very common. Again, each person seeks that human connection at a pace that is right for them. In case you are wondering, the law does not provide us with any rules as to when separated spouses can date. Religion often plays a role in the decision - many people choose not to date until they are divorced. Others date only once the exes have moved into separate residences.

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Travelling with Children

The subject of travel with children (under the age of 18 in Ontario) comes up frequently in my work as both a family law lawyer and family mediator. That is because quite naturally, most separated parents want to enjoy traveling with the children and build new memories.

As a family law lawyer, I am often approached by my clients on this issue., either because they want to take a trip themselves or because the other parent does. At that point, we need to determine whether this will be a smooth exercise of simply filling out the required travel consent forms (more about this below) or whether there is some issue with one parent disagreeing with the idea that the other would travel with the kids.

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How to tell children about a separation

I read and write a lot about communication. We could not co-exist on this planet today, as humans, if we did not communicate with one another in some way, for better or worse. Effective communication can bring about incredible results – growth, learning, love, compassion, community and cooperation, to name just a few. I also truly believe that much of the strife we currently face as communities, faith groups and even races is rooted in problems with communication.

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